Friday, December 30, 2011

14 Weeks

The only thing more exciting than being pregnant after a miscarriage and a year and a half of trying to conceive is being pregnant with your sister!!! I can't imagine it any other way. We have been through everything together.  This is how we told everyone the news on Christmas Eve.  We talk on the phone just about everyday and so far our symptoms have been almost identical...same gender maybe???

Jess and I, 1982

Jess and I, 1983

Jess and I, 1987ish?

12 Weeks

Feeling a little better lately, but have lost 6 lbs. since becoming pregnant.  Dr. says this is fine.  Still craving anything citrus, sour patch kids (daddy, too!), anything sweet and fruity really and cannot get enough cold water and milk!  I cry at everything lately... have been trying hard to hide my little bump at work.  I think Tommy is starting to realize something is up, he can't get close enough to me and always seems to want to snuggle right against my stomach!  I think he is going to love you as much as we do!!!

10 Weeks

Sooooo happy, and soooooo sick lately.  Craving grapefruit and goldfish crackers when my appetite is even existent.  Not sleeping very well because I am so excited thinking about you and about telling our friends and family the news.  I've been getting an ultrasound every week since 7 weeks, so I've gotten to see you 3 times already!  I've also been getting my blood drawn once a week since week 6, to make sure my hormone levels are rising. So far, so good, and Dr. even told me based on progesterone, we are over-achieving! :)

And so it begins...

The last couple years have been very long, waiting for this little sweet pea to come along! And we are so very grateful and beyond thrilled.  I spend about 10 minutes everyday praying and thanking God for giving me the honor and privelege to be carrying something so miraculous and beautiful for one more day!