Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sweet little baby boy...where do I begin?

Oh, baby boy.  My sweeeeeet baby boy.  I feel like I've been waiting a lifetime to say those words. :)  Not to mention how long it feels like I've been waiting to hold you in my arms.  Cannot wait for that precious moment.  There is so so much that I want to tell you, to teach you, to do with you!!! I can't wait to kiss your sweet lips and cheeks, and nose, and hear you cry, and rock you, and read to you, and make you laugh, and play with you, and dance with you, and sing to you (well, I already do that every day!!!) and so much more.  I wake up almost every night and think about all the life lessons that are so important that I want to teach you and that I want you to carry with you your entire life (I've been writing them down on a notepad).  Your daddy and I are sooooo excited and love you so much already.  I thank the lord everyday for such a miraculous gift.  You will have a sweet little girl cousin that will be almost your exact same age... I think you two will be very very close!!! Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life already.  P.S. Doctor says everything else looks great, too and we are so relieved.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

20 Weeks

Can't believe we are half way there!  I have been feeling great, and I think I have been feeling the "nesting phase" lately.  Today, I think I cleaned more in one day than I have my entire life! Ha!  Project Nursery is in the works.  The room is cleared out, closets are clean and now we just need some paint, furniture, and baby clothes for that closet!! Tommy laid in the middle of the room all day while I cleaned.  I wonder if he will love sleeping in your room with you, baby!?  We were supposed to find out your gender on Monday, but appointment was cancelled bc Dr. was delivering.  Now we go back in 2 days! Can't wait....