Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Little 10 Monther!

Wait, what?! 10 months? Can't even get over that. You are crawling! Crawling like a soldier, maybe but still! You are so determined to travel across a room and when I find you in a new spot you get so excited, kicking and screaming. You point at everything and say "dat"? You really surprised Mama when you started pulling yourself up into a standing
 position in your crib. 

1st Mother's Day!

I completely understand now when people say their life didn't really begin until they became a mother. Life certainly isn't perfect, but there are moments when it can be and motherhood has proven that to me.  I live for your smiles, your sweet voice, and your little pointer finger you point at anything and everything lately.  Thanks for the moments that somehow simultaneously melt my heart AND make it burst out of my chest... That's a mother's love, I guess.