Saturday, January 23, 2016

My little one monther

My sweet sweet Isla girl.  You are just darling! This first month of your life has flown by so fast.  I'm hanging on to every second of your sweet newborn snuggles, yawns, murmurs, burps, sneezes, stretches, and sweet baby smell.  You remind me so much of Wyatt at this age- you have so many similarities.  You are becoming more and more alert, and just love the sound of your big brother's voice.  He gives you a million and one kisses a day and just adores you.  Tommy tries to sneak in lots of kisses too. ;)  Your eyes are starting to look more and more blue (which I can hardly believe!) so we are wondering if you will have your brother's beautiful blue eyes.

You are so cuddly, and LOVE being in your mama's (or anyone's really) arms.  We are so thankful you are ours and already cannot imagine life without you... xoxo, your Mama

Friday, January 15, 2016

Isla Grace Thomas

Hello and welcome to the world lil baby Thomas #2! You are the sweetest gift we could ask for and are so happy and grateful you are part of our family.  Born at 10:13am on a warm Monday winter morning and weighing 7 lbs and 1 oz and measuring 19.75 inches long- we love you heaps!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My 18 Monther!

Wyatt, you are at such a fun age and a blog post can't possibly do justice to capture all of the amazing things you are doing lately. You are such a chatterbox lately and a great communicator. Your vocab has expanded so much lately. Some of my face things you say lately are: I see u, garbage, stuck, shoot bball, one two tree, dribble, chic- lit (chocolate),yah/nah, wy wy, fix it, snack, dip, cup/bowl/spoon, bedo(minions), noodles, pizza, toast, tommy, puppy, hug, pickle, the list goes on and on... You are already competitive, love basketball more than life, and can shoot a ball into the hoop pretty well, your favorite game is wrestling daddy, and sitting on his face, and ring around the rosie with mom, you love fruit (berries mostly) and drinking moms disguised spinach smoothies. You try to put on your own socks, shoes, and all articles of clothing really and you think throwing away your own diapers is pretty cool. You are so ticklish and ask for butterfly kisses. You know every body part, even chin and knee and all the animals sounds. We love you beyond measure and cherish every minute with you as you change so quickly from baby to toddlerhood.