Saturday, January 23, 2016

My little one monther

My sweet sweet Isla girl.  You are just darling! This first month of your life has flown by so fast.  I'm hanging on to every second of your sweet newborn snuggles, yawns, murmurs, burps, sneezes, stretches, and sweet baby smell.  You remind me so much of Wyatt at this age- you have so many similarities.  You are becoming more and more alert, and just love the sound of your big brother's voice.  He gives you a million and one kisses a day and just adores you.  Tommy tries to sneak in lots of kisses too. ;)  Your eyes are starting to look more and more blue (which I can hardly believe!) so we are wondering if you will have your brother's beautiful blue eyes.

You are so cuddly, and LOVE being in your mama's (or anyone's really) arms.  We are so thankful you are ours and already cannot imagine life without you... xoxo, your Mama

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