Saturday, April 7, 2012

29 Weeks

Oh my little Wy-man, Wyers, Lil Dub (as Daddy likes to call you)- where has the time gone?! Can't believe you will be here in 11 weeks or less... I am so excited for you to arrive into this world, but am also anxious and a tiny bit sad that there will be a whole new set of worries that come along with you being out of the womb! You are so safe and snug in there right now!  I love you so so much- more and more every day- even though you have been the cause of some of the worst heartburn/acid reflux I've ever experienced for the last few nights. Oh and the fact that I feel like I have a bruised tailbone since last week. ;)  I've been starting to hear stories about birth and labor and delivery and have decided to tune it all out- however you decide to come into this world-I am ready for it.  I pray that we can handle it- but I know we can! We've already been through so much together my little man.  Mama is getting so excited to meet you face to face so I can finally smother you with kisses!

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