Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Little Two Monther

2 months down, can't even believe it.  I think I'm starting to really figure out this whole parenting thing. ;) How FUN are you lately? Sooooo fun!  And I've heard each stage just gets better and better.  I can't imagine anything better than the non-stop smiling, agoo-ing and coo-ing, leg-kicking excitement stage...but I'm sure there is lots more fun to come!  You sure are a character.  And we just adore you.
Highlights and milestones this month:  You weigh 12 lbs. 12 oz at 8 weeks and are 23.5 inches long.
You smile at mama's loud sneezes and any time I say "gooooooood morning!".  You sneeze in multiples like your mama.  You have your daddy's crazy arm movements when you sleep, therefore you sleep swaddled and seem to prefer it.  Your eyes look more blue every day- how can that be?  (never imagined I'd have a blue-eyed boy someday)  You are grabbing at dangling toys and you recently discovered how great it is to suck on your hands.  I got your first squeal out of you! You can now entertain yourself in your crib for up to an hour- thank you for letting me sleep just a little longer, by the way... ;)

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