Thursday, September 20, 2012

The best thing ever...

When I'm exhausted beyond belief, and I can't imagine getting through the day on such little sleep, and I haven't showered or been spoiled with a starbucks, haven't even left the house in two days, when I'm drenched in spit-up and my hair has been in a twisted knot for so long, I probably have dreads...
I remember that there is nothing in this world I'd rather be doing than this.
And you, my little happy guy, are the best thing ever.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stationery card

Pretty Precious Blue Baptism Invitation
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One of those days...

I'm having one of those days, where I can't help but feel so incredibly blessed and humble for this little miracle in our lives.  Everytime I've had a rough day or things don't go exactly how I planned or someone in the house is fussy- (it's either me, daddy, tommy, or little man), or I find myself getting annoyed at the little things in life that really just don't matter...I stop and think about my life a year ago.  How desperately bad I wanted to have a baby, and how sad I was thinking about losing our first baby.  When I think back to that, all the little issues that seem so big melt away, and I am reminded just how amazing and precious life really is.  I thank God every single day for allowing me to experience all that is motherhood, and I pray that I can be the best mother possible to this sweet sweet little boy.  I sure do love him more than I could ever explain in words.

It's True What They Say...


Each day does get better and better. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sweet Potato

Doodle Dumpling, Sugar Booger, Mama's Little Man, Googies, Bubs, Cutie Patootie, Wy-Wy...these are all common phrases around here lately and they are all your nicknames. :)
2 more weeks left before this Mama heads back to work can that be? How will I survive those long work days...I will be soooooo excited to come home to your sweet little smirks.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

These Guys...

These guys sure do brighten up every single one of my days. I feel so lucky to be their mama. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

He's a talker!

Oh Wyatt, how sweet your little voice is!  You have been "talking" up a storm lately, and these pics were from one of those long story telling sessions recently.  Just want you to know, I could sit and listen to you endlessly, and I hope you always love talking to me too.  I'm sure that will all change once you hit your teenage years (or sooner), so I sure am soaking it up now, and although you aren't really saying anything in particular yet- your cute little voice is the most amazing thing I've ever heard.