Monday, December 31, 2012

My Little 6 Monther

Stats this month:
17 lbs. 2 oz. and 27 inches, you are sitting up on your own!!! Your latest trick is a clicking sound you make with your tongue and your favorite toy is Mama's glasses. You pull them right off my face and then stick your tongue out at me as if to say haha sucker! You do the cutest thing whenever you get excited where you wiggle your entire body, and you are saying dada, rara, blah, and I swear I heard a zee sound today! You love your mama and have begun reaching out for me when u want me to pick you up. Can't get enough of that! Sadly you have been diagnosed with itchy skin eczema, just like your mom and you just got your first cold. :( you are such a happy little snuggle bug, even when sick.
We love you so so much little buddy!

Friday, December 21, 2012

JOY to the WORLD!

It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed since we told everyone we were expecting you! You have brought more happiness, joy, and light into our little family than I could have ever imagined. Merry Christmas on your first one, our sweet little mister!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Baby Wyatt, you and your Daddy sure love each other and boy does watching the two of you together make my heart soar! Daddy is going to teach you so many amazing things that surely this mama won't be able to. ;) I feel unbelievably lucky to have you 2 in my life!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Simply Amazing

Oh buddy boy... Be prepared to see a lot of pictures of you in your bath (well hopefully a pool, lake, or ocean eventually too!) because this is your happiest place! You are simply amazing to watch now that you are "thinking"... I put all if your bath toys in at your feet, you see them, kick like crazy until the waves send them up to your arms, and then do everything you can to pick them up... What a little smarty pants you are! I mean what could be more fun than watching you have this much fun?!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Little Five Monther

You weigh in at 16.5 lbs. and you cut your first teeth on the bottom! You have found your voice and LOVE to show it off! Blowing raspberries, belly laughs, and rolling over are all your favorite tricks. You ADORE your Tommy doggy. :D another fave of yours is your hands and fingers- you study them intensely. We love your sweet little personality so so much.