Monday, December 31, 2012

My Little 6 Monther

Stats this month:
17 lbs. 2 oz. and 27 inches, you are sitting up on your own!!! Your latest trick is a clicking sound you make with your tongue and your favorite toy is Mama's glasses. You pull them right off my face and then stick your tongue out at me as if to say haha sucker! You do the cutest thing whenever you get excited where you wiggle your entire body, and you are saying dada, rara, blah, and I swear I heard a zee sound today! You love your mama and have begun reaching out for me when u want me to pick you up. Can't get enough of that! Sadly you have been diagnosed with itchy skin eczema, just like your mom and you just got your first cold. :( you are such a happy little snuggle bug, even when sick.
We love you so so much little buddy!

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