Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Little 8 Monther

I still can't believe you are 8 months already! Each month goes quicker and quicker. You are such a sweet boy. You are scooting- only backwards though! You hum yourself to sleep and its the cutest thing ever. You now prefer sleeping on your belly. You had your first pasta experience (pastina with zucchini and summer squash and a teensy bit of olive oil) and you couldn't get it in your mouth fast enough... LOVED it!!! You also love avocado, bananas, saltines and your fave is still Cheerios. You are really developing your personality lately- your latest tricks are signing "more", doing "so big", dancing, and shaking your head no. Your favorite toys are books! You now turn the page for mama and love pop up books and books where you have to lift flaps. Your absolute go to though is Brown Bear and when we get to the blue horsey you go crazy and try your best "neigh" ing sound. It's the best. We love you soooooooooo much bub.

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