Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My BIG one year old!

Oh buddy- you are one! You survived our first year of parenting-wahoo!! All was good at your one year checkup, although mama was a big baby watching you get your shots! You weigh 20 lb 12 oz. and are 29.5 inches long. You are communicating with us like crazy. You call for tommy when he's not around by mimicking mom. It sounds like "Om". You pick up phones bringing them behind your ear and say "lo?" and then proceed to  have a very serious conversation. You are obsessed with outside and you point to the door and ask "sigh?" "sigh?" Until we take you out. You do the same thing when you see your pacifier that you call "tee tee". When you hear or see a bird outside you say "bur". It's awesome. You love shooting baskets, love dad's hats, playing on your car and in any form of water. My favorite thing of all is the endless amount of hugs you give lately. especially when you give them to your stuffed animals. mama just adores this sweet little spirit of yours that is emerging. We love you sooooo much Wyatt, we are so amazed at all the things you do, and can't wait to see what the next year holds! 

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