Monday, December 31, 2012

My Little 6 Monther

Stats this month:
17 lbs. 2 oz. and 27 inches, you are sitting up on your own!!! Your latest trick is a clicking sound you make with your tongue and your favorite toy is Mama's glasses. You pull them right off my face and then stick your tongue out at me as if to say haha sucker! You do the cutest thing whenever you get excited where you wiggle your entire body, and you are saying dada, rara, blah, and I swear I heard a zee sound today! You love your mama and have begun reaching out for me when u want me to pick you up. Can't get enough of that! Sadly you have been diagnosed with itchy skin eczema, just like your mom and you just got your first cold. :( you are such a happy little snuggle bug, even when sick.
We love you so so much little buddy!

Friday, December 21, 2012

JOY to the WORLD!

It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed since we told everyone we were expecting you! You have brought more happiness, joy, and light into our little family than I could have ever imagined. Merry Christmas on your first one, our sweet little mister!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Baby Wyatt, you and your Daddy sure love each other and boy does watching the two of you together make my heart soar! Daddy is going to teach you so many amazing things that surely this mama won't be able to. ;) I feel unbelievably lucky to have you 2 in my life!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Simply Amazing

Oh buddy boy... Be prepared to see a lot of pictures of you in your bath (well hopefully a pool, lake, or ocean eventually too!) because this is your happiest place! You are simply amazing to watch now that you are "thinking"... I put all if your bath toys in at your feet, you see them, kick like crazy until the waves send them up to your arms, and then do everything you can to pick them up... What a little smarty pants you are! I mean what could be more fun than watching you have this much fun?!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Little Five Monther

You weigh in at 16.5 lbs. and you cut your first teeth on the bottom! You have found your voice and LOVE to show it off! Blowing raspberries, belly laughs, and rolling over are all your favorite tricks. You ADORE your Tommy doggy. :D another fave of yours is your hands and fingers- you study them intensely. We love your sweet little personality so so much.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful for You

Dear baby Wyatt,
Mama and Daddy are so beyond thankful that you are a part of our lives. What on earth would we do without you? You are beyond loved, and we are so grateful that we have the opportunity to raise you, care for you, and spoil you with our endless love for you. We waited a very long time for you to come into our lives, and let me tell you- you were sooooooooo worth the wait.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

You are such a silly little turkey lately! We could just gobble you right up. ;)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where does the time go?

I pretty much never get anything done over the weekend that I'm supposed to get done.... BUT we sure do have FUN!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Few Firsts...

First belly laughs...first rolling over from tummy to back both directions... First two adorable little teeth...first time grabbing and tugging on Tommy's ear... So many amazing things...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life is Sweet

You just started giving me hugs.  Well, when I pick you up every time now- you put your hands around my neck and squeeze.  I'm counting that as a legit hug! Nothing sweeter...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Little 4 Monther

-you are 15 lbs, 8 oz.
-I think you are starting to teethe because you've been quite the crankster lately which is soooo unlike you!
-you rolled over from your tum to your back for the first time and it was awesome!
- you put everything in your mouth and started watching mama and daddy really closely when we eat... Can't wait to start feeding you food soon :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

On raising a Son...

I have a list of things I'd like to remember to teach Wyatt that I've been keeping since I found out I was having a boy. The list is endless really but there are some top priorities I hope to instill.

1. It is ABSOLUTELY okay to cry. Actually, it is important to cry. Over loss, when having a rough day, when feeling defeated, or even just out of the blue. Now Wyatt- I know your dad was raised differently and he would argue this one... But I want you to know its a healthy part of life and expressing emotion and if you can't cry in front of your dad, you can ALWAYS come to me. And p.s. I've seen your dad cry on several occasions.

2. Treat your girlfriend/wife/love like a queen. Sweep her off her feet, cook for her (Mama will teach you how to whip up a mean lasagna!), tell her how beautiful she is and remind her how proud of her you are. Surprise her. Show her what a caring and compassionate man you are. Everyday.

3. It's good to be competitive, but not to the point of hurting other people, especially those that you love, over a game of anything.

4. Sing. Dance. Be silly. Laugh at yourself. Don't take life too seriously.

5. Always be kind to people in customer service situations or any kind of stranger that is helping you. You never know what may be going on in their life or what they are dealing with personally, so don't snap at them for something minor like your burger being cooked wrong. ESPECIALLY if its not their fault.

6. Always stand up for the underdog or anyone being picked on or bullied.

7. Remember to call your Mama and tell her you love her, no matter where you are in life! And give her hugs....ALWAYS! ;)

8. Whatever you choose to be... Be a good one! Try your best and be a positive motivator- it's contagious.

9. Try your hardest to be selfless, not selfish. You will get more fulfillment out of helping others than helping yourself. Be open to other people's ideas and tolerant of differences.

10. Also remember how important it is not to judge someone based on what they look like, what kind of clothes they wear, or what town they came from. NONE of these things matter at all.

I mean really I could go on and on but these are a few to start with... More to come...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bath Buddy

Oh Wyatt, my sweet boy- you LOVE your bathtime more than anything in this world...we've got ourselves a future Olympic swimmer on our hands maybe? ;) You kick, buck, squeal, and splash with all your might then look up at us with the funniest expression like you're checking to see how impressed we are...and we ARE!!! You are amazing! This has truly become one of my most favorite times of the day. Along with storytime, which is a whole 'nother post for another time...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The best thing ever...

When I'm exhausted beyond belief, and I can't imagine getting through the day on such little sleep, and I haven't showered or been spoiled with a starbucks, haven't even left the house in two days, when I'm drenched in spit-up and my hair has been in a twisted knot for so long, I probably have dreads...
I remember that there is nothing in this world I'd rather be doing than this.
And you, my little happy guy, are the best thing ever.