Monday, July 30, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

If the first 5 weeks of your life are any indicator of how close you two will be, then you and Tommy will be thick as thieves! Tommy absolutely adores you, naturally. He has to be where you are and every time we leave and come home with you he wags his tail and goes right up to your carseat to make sure you are still there. Every time you cry or fuss he gives you kisses...well more like slobbery licks, but still... Can't wait to see the two of you grow to be best buds!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Little One Monther

Wow. Can you really be one month old already? How did that happen?! You are such a joy and it's been so fun learning all about your little things that already make you you. You are such a smiley little guy and everyone already comments on that! I think you will be one happy've definitely made me one happy mama this past month!!!

Highlights this month:
Weight- 9 1/2 lbs.
Milestones: first smiles, looking around a ton, loving lights!, stretching your arms and legs like crazy, especially after eating, starting to love getting a bath (Daddy is the pro at this!), first walk around the block with Tommy

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Life Lately

I've got to admit- it's been a very tiring last 4 weeks, but it sure has been the most amazing 4 weeks of my life too!!! We sure do love every little thing about you Wyatt!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The first three weeks

These are a few of the most important things I've needed for survival the first few weeks with my Wy man.

1. SwaddleMe wraps- these are amazing and make swaddling so much easier in the middle of the night when you are exhausted beyond belief than trying to swaddle with a blanket.  I wish I would have registered for more of these guys.

2. Medela Tender Care Lanolin- Ouch. BF can be pretty painful, but this helps.  A TON. I've also heard the Soothies Gel Pads are great, and I'm definitely going to give those a try sometime this week.

3. Burt's Bees Baby Bee Shampoo & Wash- Love this! My sister told me about this, and although it's a bit more pricey than J&J, it has the best smell in the world and lasts a long time.

4. Avent Soothies Pacifier- So far these have worked the best for us- it's what they used in the hospital too, so it's what little man is used to.

5. Baby Bjorn- thank goodness for this- Wyatt loves it, and Iget my arms and hands back.  I'm hoping he doesn't become completely dependent on it, but from what I've read its great for babies, developmentally to be carried this way when so little.

6. Dundee Mills Burp Cloths- These are such a must have.  We have them all around the house.  They are multi-purpose for spit up, over the shoulder for burping, propping baby's head while nursing, and even as a comfort blanket.

7. Minky Fabric Boppy cover by Little Owl's Nest on Etsy.  I don't understand why Boppy doesn't make and sell these, because they make the changing pad covers in the same fabric. Thankfully I've found this etsy shop that makes and sells them in every single color imaginable.  I have 2 of these, and they are the most comfortable fabric out there. I use it on the boppy for nursing, and Wyatt loves sitting in this anytime of the day.  It's also great for tummy time! This etsy seller also makes changing pad covers in the same fabric with huge variety of colors. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Little Man

I will be short and sweet with a little story about your birth day. It's definitely a memory I will cherish the rest of my life little babe!

Well, after about 20 hours of painful, nauseas, and exhausting labor we were told that we were just not progressing to the point of pushing you out. Most of those last 10 hours or so are a little blurry but the main things I remember we're worrying about you and your little dropping heart rate. After Dr. came in and discussed a csection possibility, I couldn't have been more relieved...I just wanted to hold you safely in my arms! Plus a quick incision seemed like HEAVEN after 20 hours of never ending contractions and vomiting! The whole surgery took about 7 minutes total and I'll never ever forget hearing Dr. say "well hello little guy!" Those were the sweetest words followed by the sweetest sound of your eagle cry! (I'll explain that later!) of course daddy got to hold u first and mama cried her eyes out for a good hour after you arrived. Tears of extreme joy for my little sweet baby Wyatt. I can't imagine a more fulfilling feeling than having you in my arms and in our lives.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wyatt Michael Thomas

This little man of mine has already changed me so much and he's only a week old.  He is the love of my life (and his Daddy too) and makes me so excited to begin each new day. 

Wyatt Michael- you were born on Sunday, June 24th, 2012 at 7:47pm, weighing 7 lbs. and 3 oz. and measuring 20.5 inches.  You have your daddy's eyes, hairline, barrel chest, and bow legs.  You have your mama's nose, lips, cheeks, and hands.  You are absolute perfection and we absolutely adore you.

You had a pretty rough entry into the world (rough for mama too!), but no one said life would be easy! 
Now that you are here, you are most definitely the meaning in our lives.