Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Little Man

I will be short and sweet with a little story about your birth day. It's definitely a memory I will cherish the rest of my life little babe!

Well, after about 20 hours of painful, nauseas, and exhausting labor we were told that we were just not progressing to the point of pushing you out. Most of those last 10 hours or so are a little blurry but the main things I remember we're worrying about you and your little dropping heart rate. After Dr. came in and discussed a csection possibility, I couldn't have been more relieved...I just wanted to hold you safely in my arms! Plus a quick incision seemed like HEAVEN after 20 hours of never ending contractions and vomiting! The whole surgery took about 7 minutes total and I'll never ever forget hearing Dr. say "well hello little guy!" Those were the sweetest words followed by the sweetest sound of your eagle cry! (I'll explain that later!) of course daddy got to hold u first and mama cried her eyes out for a good hour after you arrived. Tears of extreme joy for my little sweet baby Wyatt. I can't imagine a more fulfilling feeling than having you in my arms and in our lives.

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