Saturday, May 26, 2012


 This blog just wouldn't be complete without the mention of this guy.  Tommy has been such an important part of our lives since we got him last Christmas (2010).  He is really a huge part of our little family and I don't know how I could have gotten through the past 2 years without him.  He came into our lives at a very rough time and has shown me how much love, companionship, trust, and complete joy an animal can bring into the lives of humans!  Tommy was born about a month before our first baby would have been born and I don't doubt that God brought him to us intentionally in order to help us get over the loss and sadness we felt at that time.
 This special pup - he is one smart dog. We communicate sometimes with a single look. :)  He has learned quickly that baby Wyatt is coming- I think he senses that his world is about to change. He knows the name already and where Wyatt's room is now when we say it. He loves hanging out in that room and I have a feeling that is where he will sleep when you are finally here, little babe.  The first time I put all of the baby toys in a basket in the nursery, I woke up to Tommy in the middle of the floor surrounded by baby toys.  He had pulled almost every single one out of the basket and wasn't doing anything destructive- just sniffing them and trying to figure out what they were all about.  I gave him a quick "no-no, these are baby Wyatt's toys" and put them all back in the basket, and he hasn't taken them out again since. He knows they are not for him. :)

Baby Wyatt, I hope that you and Tommy will grow to be the best of buds! (I can already envision the special bond between you and him and all the pictures I can't wait to take of the two of you) and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

35 Weeks

Hey Lil' Buddy.  I can't stop thinking about how much I adore you already and I haven't even met you or seen you...only in my dreams.  I've been dreaming about you almost since your daddy and I started dating ten years ago!  Imagining one day what it would be like to have a little boy... In just about a month that dream will come true and we will be so blessed to have you in our lives.  I hope that one day you will get to experience as much love as your daddy and I share and will soon give to you.

Okay, back to washing your little itty bitty adorable clothes that I can't wait to put on you...

*Also on the agenda tonight- packing my hospital bag- YIPEE!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Things (part I)

Here are just a handful of some of the things I registered for and got as gifts that I love for baby so far... More to come!

1. Sophie the Giraffe- found here / 2. Kids Line Lion Security Blanket- found here / 3. Skip Hop Pronto Changing Station- found here / 4. Skip Hop Versa Diaper Bag- found here / 5. Boon Lawn Drying Rack- found here / 6. Boppy Circus Play Gym- found here / 7. Rockabye Baby Beatles CD- found here / 8. Graco Blossom High Chair (Hathaway)- found here

34 Weeks

I'm about a week behind since tomorrow I will actually be 35 weeks, but here's my 34 week post!  Baby Wyatt you are sure loving my ribcage- anytime you feel like moving down lower go right ahead! ;)  Getting so so excited at the thought of you being here so soon.  I had my first dream that you were actually in and I could see your cute little face.  Wonder if you will look anything like the baby I saw in my dreams? You sure were cute! I finally caved in and HAD to have a corndog the other day.  Daddy went and got it for me.  Hopefully one hot dog won't hurt. :)  I have been washing all your clothes and things non-stop the last few weeks and we are almost ready with all that.  I'm going to pack my hospital bag this weekend! Yaya!
Dr. says you are head down still which makes me very happy...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

33 Weeks

My little man, I hope that I can one day look back at these 9 months and remember what a blessing each and every day was.  I have truly truly enjoyed every second since I first saw that positive sign and found out you were starting to grow in my uterus.  I have been sick.  I have been emotional.  I have been tired. And in pain (lately in the ribs!!! ouchers!).  And I know over the next few weeks things will get even more intense, and yet I would do this over and over again for the rest of my life!  It is such an amazing and humbling experience.  You have already made me a better person little man!  I am so looking forward to raising you into the best little man that you can possibly be.  Post coming up soon about the most important things I want to teach you in life.  I can't wait to see what kind of personality you will have.  I hope you will always know how much you are loved.  It will be impossible to measure. 

P.S. Tommy is loving all your new toys, and can't wait to play with them with you!