Tuesday, May 15, 2012

34 Weeks

I'm about a week behind since tomorrow I will actually be 35 weeks, but here's my 34 week post!  Baby Wyatt you are sure loving my ribcage- anytime you feel like moving down lower go right ahead! ;)  Getting so so excited at the thought of you being here so soon.  I had my first dream that you were actually in and I could see your cute little face.  Wonder if you will look anything like the baby I saw in my dreams? You sure were cute! I finally caved in and HAD to have a corndog the other day.  Daddy went and got it for me.  Hopefully one hot dog won't hurt. :)  I have been washing all your clothes and things non-stop the last few weeks and we are almost ready with all that.  I'm going to pack my hospital bag this weekend! Yaya!
Dr. says you are head down still which makes me very happy...

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