Saturday, May 26, 2012


 This blog just wouldn't be complete without the mention of this guy.  Tommy has been such an important part of our lives since we got him last Christmas (2010).  He is really a huge part of our little family and I don't know how I could have gotten through the past 2 years without him.  He came into our lives at a very rough time and has shown me how much love, companionship, trust, and complete joy an animal can bring into the lives of humans!  Tommy was born about a month before our first baby would have been born and I don't doubt that God brought him to us intentionally in order to help us get over the loss and sadness we felt at that time.
 This special pup - he is one smart dog. We communicate sometimes with a single look. :)  He has learned quickly that baby Wyatt is coming- I think he senses that his world is about to change. He knows the name already and where Wyatt's room is now when we say it. He loves hanging out in that room and I have a feeling that is where he will sleep when you are finally here, little babe.  The first time I put all of the baby toys in a basket in the nursery, I woke up to Tommy in the middle of the floor surrounded by baby toys.  He had pulled almost every single one out of the basket and wasn't doing anything destructive- just sniffing them and trying to figure out what they were all about.  I gave him a quick "no-no, these are baby Wyatt's toys" and put them all back in the basket, and he hasn't taken them out again since. He knows they are not for him. :)

Baby Wyatt, I hope that you and Tommy will grow to be the best of buds! (I can already envision the special bond between you and him and all the pictures I can't wait to take of the two of you) and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. 

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