Friday, June 22, 2012

40 Weeks + 1 Day

Okay my little "Wy"se Guy- we are now past due!  This of course doesn't surprise me, considering how long we've waited for you this far!  Of course you wouldn't make it easy and come on your due date.  I still love you sooooo much though, and you can come whenever you are ready. :) Your little baby cousin Sophia was born on Wednesday and she is just the most beautiful little thing- you are going to LOVE her so much.  I'm still feeling great, in fact I haven't felt any different in the past 2 weeks.  I got to sit and listen to your heart beating for 20 whole minutes yesterday at the Dr.'s office to make sure you aren't in distress in there.  You seemed to be happy as a clam. And that little heartbeat sure is the sweetest sound in the world.

 So, not to hurry you or anything, but please come soon- summer is the best time of year- and your Mama and Daddy (not to mention tons of other people who love you) are so excited to meet you, we can hardly stand it!

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