Saturday, June 2, 2012

36 & 37 Weeks

{37 weeks}

Happy BIRTH MONTH my little baby Wyatt! The countdown is on! I can't believe I am full term.  Less than 20 days left till we meet!  What can I say that I haven't already said?...I'm so anxious- this whole pregnancy has flown by, but we are definitely more than ready for your arrival.  You are soooooo worth the wait. :)  If what they say about hair and heartburn is true, then you will have lots of hair- because my heartburn is back with a vengeance lately!  I have been pretty nauseaus again too, and really the only thing I want to eat is ice-cream and the only thing I want to wear is maxi dresses. I love feeling your little body parts poking out of my belly- it's so fun to guess what is what and play back with you.  And my goodness, you are a strong little guy!  Everytime Daddy leaves, I remind him to keep his phone close by because you could decide to make your debut at any time now.  I've been trying to enjoy every minute of sleep and every ounce of feeling free to do anything or go anywhere I want without thinking twice, because I know that is all about to change.  I am ready though- so ready to be the best mama for you, my little love bug!

{36 weeks}

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